-- MySql does not support `IF NOT EXISTS` syntax when creating indexes. -- You should review your database for any of the indexes described here that pre-exist, -- and omit them from what you apply to your MySql database. CREATE INDEX IDX11w4lbb6dq08vd5cax3vwdxfp ON blc_cart_action_audit(cart_id); CREATE INDEX IDXq4k2t0jkcakobxti7xodu2wk3 ON blc_cart_action_audit(trk_application_context_id); CREATE INDEX IDXshjakfpir3s16ekiue6se3t2r ON blc_cart_action_audit(user_id); CREATE INDEX IDX5lfxabd3jf78hwn9lxk8yo79o ON blc_cart(account_id); CREATE INDEX IDXf1tnxw2eyvqr2je7ayoqpddu4 ON blc_cart(root_account_id);