-- YugabyteDb supports `IF NOT EXISTS` syntax when creating indexes. -- If an index already exists with the same name, it will not be duplicated. -- However, you should still review your pre-existing indexes in advance -- to make sure you do not already have one or more of the same indexes -- defined under a different name. If so, you should omit them -- from what you apply to your YugabyteDb database. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxosj785tkew6sxuw6sd26k70qk ON blc_application_catalog(context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxlj2n3wdt6u930s8c5g28hh0yr ON blc_application_catalog(application_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxhi0i5f854p5hvmf9lmcx6n4tm ON blc_inventory_location(location_number); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxp3w9l4dosud6s4ldogdb27uq1 ON blc_inventory_location(latitude, longitude); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxb2y1o4edoujkf31t2m1ywwkq9 ON blc_inventory_location(country_code, state_province_region_code); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxf9ua9pkb5q7gvlea91x4uyqty ON blc_inventory_location(country_code, state_province_region_code, city); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxdaee1rfa9sj3uunynosyl7cym ON blc_inventory_location(country_code, postal_code); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxjprixifbnw73tk1vdcqbfiknw ON blc_inventory_location(trk_tenant_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxfwbhdefgdgllvwpmke24dmcg7 ON blc_inventory_location(trk_application_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx190lngah9b1pjghi4s29meq5x ON blc_inventory_tx(sku_inventory_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxdwmecvygojhamx7wi79jkiacr ON blc_inventory_tx(tx_type); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxqys4d2rcs905ic0k6feco05h1 ON blc_inventory_tx(reference_num); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxhuvh36lc3x61j3q1opfw7oe8y ON blc_inventory_tx(trk_tenant_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxqltqx8xfrfwl3p6x6evha8k46 ON blc_inventory_tx(trk_application_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx8pl0cj1wgqwf0ka49442au2og ON blc_inventory_tx(batch_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx7i0i5vcl1dkkwuq5dyc88wem5 ON blc_notification_state(acked); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxgfaqe3xmq5q4yh78mix1g04fy ON blc_notification_state(container); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxkm4y3qj3jh2mpt0rt6l6vscl8 ON blc_resource_lock(token); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxlhb7hxqenecfem9hp73gv3n23 ON blc_sku_inventory(location_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx4aolc4preo3n689h0blubc3yy ON blc_sku_inventory(external_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxk4k1x05sf4w59lia0c819pv20 ON blc_sku_inventory(sku_code); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx99qyeapqo6ekluj6fgw873504 ON blc_sku_inventory(ean); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxrvtg42dgspc5lag72k3713a5m ON blc_sku_inventory(upc); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxcpldu6grlqlft0yaolsalqu72 ON blc_sku_inventory(gtin); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx1vsqlmt5mfpwhc0ujg08wr72t ON blc_sku_inventory(trk_tenant_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx3rbpuodotbmg80n422tmicp80 ON blc_sku_inventory(trk_application_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "IDXqsrmtlej61uxhx0yiwpb2rcrv" ON blc_notification_state(acked, stopped, notification_name, change_timestamp, next_attempt);