-- YugabyteDb supports `IF NOT EXISTS` syntax when creating indexes. -- If an index already exists with the same name, it will not be duplicated. -- However, you should still review your pre-existing indexes in advance -- to make sure you do not already have one or more of the same indexes -- defined under a different name. If so, you should omit them -- from what you apply to your YugabyteDb database. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx7i0i5vcl1dkkwuq5dyc88wem5 ON blc_notification_state(acked); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxgfaqe3xmq5q4yh78mix1g04fy ON blc_notification_state(container); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxkm4y3qj3jh2mpt0rt6l6vscl8 ON blc_resource_lock(token); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx1a67c842gj488h4leeoagn0lt ON blc_tenant_application(token); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxorrh2rmgcx2uawr5osutd4j21 ON blc_tenant_application(identifier_value); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxqmg48f207m6m3qg6bglbwvqn9 ON blc_tenant_application_catalog(context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx9ugdiloj0jsi4yd4kao0qt01r ON blc_tenant_application_catalog(application_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxc0049oqysjvqs1ilnx7nuy4pd ON blc_tenant_mpl_appl_cat(catalog_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx6vwkv708ynabd69xpnhw7wl2l ON blc_tenant_mpl_appl_cat(application_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx4g14mrkab7tl3rd54ikx57k55 ON blc_translation(context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxgqgqttrr6uevhl0mjfwvfo4j1 ON blc_translation(trk_sandbox_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxmttybtsh30xho30olqopnhs26 ON blc_translation(trk_sandbox_name); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxhawx2xhnhqoqd7mct9qm7ces ON blc_translation(trk_catalog_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxiwmmb8q1xtfycw8strr12ospk ON blc_translation(trk_parent_cat_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxay3ff6dyxatoqm7lwxmualc9v ON blc_translation(trk_application_context_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxh167c7f9ai480kx8gn7ww1f4h ON blc_translation(entity_type, entity_id, locale); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxfs58rfg82kx9qhvjb8idlxxdo ON blc_translation(entity_type, entity_id, entity_field, locale); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxdqlpdcboywy2wmng7howe9vl4 ON blc_tenant_catalog_ref(parent_catalog_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS fk3wy1hja4t42wv6cyw5ue35vjb_idx ON blc_tenant_catalog_ref(child_catalog_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idxcsrmtlej61uxhx0yiwpb2rcrv ON blc_notification_state(acked, stopped, notification_name, change_timestamp, next_attempt);