Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Payment Gateway Common Release Notes


  • Added owning entity & amount representations to the PaymentInfo object.

  • Introduced PaymentGatewayPaymentModificationService#updateGatewayPayment for updating the gateway’s representation of the payment as part of a request updating the PaymentTransactionServices payment.

  • Introduced PaymentGatewayPaymentSummaryService#buildNextActionFromPayment for building a PaymentSummary#nextAction based on payment data, rather than transaction data. Note: this is meant to be used if the payment does not yet have any transaction data.

  • Introduced PaymentGatewayTransactionService#identifyTransactionReferenceIdOverrideForInitialTransaction for being able to add custom logic for declaring the transactionReferenceId for an initial checkout transaction.


  • Reintroduced deprecated currency field for backwards compatibility.


  • Introduced the PaymentCallbackSecurityTokenUtil & PaymentGatewayPaymentModificationService#getCallbackUrlKeys() to support token-based security on externally-executed payment transactions that use a checkout redirect interaction (e.g. 3DS verification & HPP interactions).

    • Added the gatewayType to the PaymentInfo payload used for the PaymentGatewayPaymentModificationService interface.

    • Introduced the PaymentCallbackSecurityTokenNotFoundException denoting that no security token was found for the payment callback.

  • Introduced the CANCELED & EXPIRED TransactionFailureTypes.

  • Introduced the applicationId field to the TransactionIdentifier payload used by webhooks to record & communicate transaction results.


Spring Boot Upgrade

  • As of Broadleaf Release Train 2.0.0-GA, all common libraries have been upgraded to Spring Boot 3.

  • This version includes all changes up to 1.5.18-GA


  • Introduce the REVERSE_AUTH_REMAINDER payment gateway feature that helps PaymentTransactionServices' PaymentSummary communicate the style of ReverseAuth transaction that’s supported by the gateway. From there, OrderOps uses this representation to understand whether a ReverseAuth should be executed due to a cancellation, or if it should defer to logic that determines if the order’s fulfillments are finalized before executing a ReverseAuth.


  • Introduced the SavedPaymentMethodStatus interface & DefaultSavedPaymentMethodStatuses enum to describe the status of a SavedPaymentMethod

  • Added recommendedSavedPaymentMethodStatus field to the PaymentResponse object

  • Introduced PaymentCustomerNotification domain class that is used to send the customer notifications. Added customerNotification field to the PaymentResponse object.

  • Added BNPL to DefaultPaymentTypes


  • Added PARTIAL_REVERSE_AUTH to Passthrough gateway’s list of supported features to assist with testing


  • Added the implementation of the Serializable interface to the NextAction class to fix an issue com.broadleafcommerce.paymentgateway.domain.NextAction.

  • Introduced the PaymentGatewaySavedPaymentMethodWebhookHandler & related domain objects to support the saving of ACH payment methods for future use.

  • Introduced the InvalidWebhookRequestException to distinguish between having insufficient data to complete webhook validation vs having sufficient data, but failing the validation (i.e. a WebhookValidationException).


  • Updated misc. enums to better support KNET & hosted payment page interactions


  • Added feesTotal & includedTaxTotal to the PaymentValidationRequest payload


  • Introduced new transaction lookup interface and PaymentResponse#nextAction representation to support KNET payments with MyFatoorah and ACH payments with Stripe


  • Add owningUserType and owningUserId to `PaymentValidationRequest.

    • Compliments changes to support anonymous StoreCredit ownership & usage.

  • Introduce additional FetchTransactionResultsException constructor that takes in the cause argument.


  • Notes consolidated with 1.5.11-GA


  • Notes consolidated with 1.5.11-GA


  • Updates to the PaymentResponse domain and the PaymentGatewayWebhookHandler interface to better support transactions flagged for manual fraud review


  • Introduced a flag to PaymentResponse to communicate that an Authorize or AuthorizeAndCapture transaction was flagged for manual fraud review.

  • Introduced PaymentResponse#manualReviewResult (value to be declared using a ManualFraudReviewResultType value) & PaymentResponse#manualReviewResultReason to communicate the result of a manual fraud review.

  • Introduced the ability for a gateway to declare FORCED_REVERSE_AUTH_WITH_PARTIAL_CAPTURE as a supported feature, causing PaymentTransactionServices to record an implied ReverseAuthorize transaction if a partial Capture is executed.

  • Introduced SupportedWebhookNotificationType to allow PaymentGatewayWebhookHandler implementations to declare the categories of webhook notifications that they intend to support.

  • Updated PaymentGatewayWebhookHandler interface method to take in the webhook request’s p

Release Train Compatibility

Compatible with all Release Trains after 1.7 unless otherwise noted.