chunk-size: 500
Multiple user translation creates for the same field can result in duplicates when deployed
Now detect duplicate creates for the same translation target at deployment and archive all but the latest
Fixed NPE thrown when rejecting promoted changes for creating translations
Improved extension accessibility for JpaCustomizedTranslationRepository
by making getManagedType()
protected instead of private
Fixed potential query parameter overflow by paging narrowed translation results
defaults inherited behavior to itself in the case it does not have an entityType
Added support for configuring the chunk size when fetching entity translations by entityType
and list of entityIds
This can be configured via the following property:
chunk-size: 500
As of Broadleaf Release Train 2.0.0-GA, all common libraries have been upgraded to Spring Boot 3.
This version includes all changes up to 1.7.3-GA
Added support to get a count of non-production translations matching entity and tenant
This is useful to determine if there are outstanding sandbox changes before an entity can be deleted. For example, this is used for checking if any outstanding sandbox changes exist for Product translations before the Product can be deleted.