Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.8.1-GA


  • JDK 11 is now required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Impacted Services Links

Introduced support for payment distribution

OrderClient, OrderOperationServices, AdminWeb

Introduced temporary resource lock for OrderOperationServices and OrderServices


Order Temporary Resource Lock TTL

Introduced basic database search functionality to bypass SearchServices & Solr dependencies

  • Cleaned up our frontend example COD payment form & fees

  • Ensure the fees cannot be removed unless COD is deselected

  • Added validation to the payment validation activity in the checkout workflow to ensure COD is configured correctly & the COD fees exist

  • Updated the DefaultCartItemTypes to use a more specific enum value, COD_FEE instead of EXTRA_FEE

CartOperationServices, OrderServices, CartClient, OrderClient, Commerce SDK, NextJS Starter

Introduced versioning for OrderFulfillment and ReturnAuthorization

Bug Fixes


Fixed ModelMapper maintenance of collections that are Hibernate orphan aware

Upgrade Guide

API Changes

New Endpoints

Path Description

GET /orders/search

Search all orders by the given RSQL filters. Additional optional parameters:

  • query: order number query

  • hydrateChildEntities: whether to hydrate child entities. Out of the box this hydrates nothing and is only served as a hook point

GET /fulfillment-views/search

Search all order fulfillments by the given RSQL filters. Additional optional parameters:

  • query: fulfillment group reference number query

  • hydrateChildEntities: whether to hydrate child entities. Out of the box this hydrates nothing and is only served as a hook point

Configuration Properties

Added Properties

  • broadleaf.order.metadata.distribute-payment-transaction-amount-across-payments

    • Description: Enables the admin metadata to show the payment distribution ratios

    • Default value: false

  • broadleaf.order.metadata.enable-order-internal-search

    • Description: Enable internal search for order entities. This removes the requirement for a SearchServices dependency in the admin view.

    • Default value: false

  • broadleaf.order.web.order-lock-ttl

    • Description: Declares the amount of time that a temporary resource lock is held, before it expires

    • Default value: 10 seconds