Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

PayPal Checkout Quick Start

Broadleaf Commerce offers an out-of-the-box PayPal solution that requires little configuration and is easily set up.


Add the Maven Dependency

Once you have established an account with PayPal, begin by including the PayPal Module dependency to your main pom.xml.

    <version>insert version here</version>


This PayPal Module supports creating transactions via a typical Payments Flow as well as creating Billing Agreements and future payments via Reference Transactions. You can learn more about Reference Transactions and Billing Agreements via the REST API documentation.

The Reference Transaction Flow is a limited availability API and you will need to contact your PayPal representative to make sure it is enabled for your accounts before you can use it.

In order to switch between a normal payment flow vs creating a billing agreement at checkout, you will just need to change a few configuration parameters which will be outlined in the steps below.

Template Updates

  1. On your templates that render cart actions like a "Proceed to Checkout" button, you will need to place an empty div to render PayPal’s Smart Checkout button:

<div id="paypal-button"></div>
  1. Include the following JS to invoke PayPal’s JS-based library

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" th:inline="javascript">
        env : [[${@environment.getProperty('')}]],

        // Specify the style of the button
        style: {
            layout: 'vertical',  // horizontal | vertical
            size:   'medium',    // medium | large | responsive
            shape:  'rect',      // pill | rect
            color:  'gold'       // gold | blue | silver | white | black

        // Specify allowed and disallowed funding sources
        // Options:
        // - paypal.FUNDING.CARD
        // - paypal.FUNDING.CREDIT
        // - paypal.FUNDING.ELV
        funding: {
            allowed: [
            disallowed: []

        payment : function(data, actions) {
                url : [[${@environment.getProperty('')}]],
                data : {
                    performCheckout : false
            }).then(function(res) {
        onAuthorize : function(data, actions) {
                url : [[${@environment.getProperty('')}]],
                data : {
                    paymentId : data.paymentID,
                    payerId : data.payerID
    }, '#paypal-button');
If you are wishing to switch to the Billing Agreements Flow, you will want to change the onAuthorize callback method and define the following instead of paymentId and payerId.
        onAuthorize : function(data, actions) {
                url : [[${@environment.getProperty('')}]],
                data : {
                    billingToken: data.billingToken,
                    paymentToken: data.paymentToken


One of the more typical customizations you may wish to do revolves around passing the appropriate data to PayPal. The service that handles translating a Broadleaf cart into the appropriate PayPal request is encapsulated in the following spring components PayPalPaymentService and PayPalAgreementTokenService. These components handle the translation of things like Payer, Transaction, Payment, and ShippingAddress. You may wish to extend these services to send the appropriate values based on your business requirements.


At this point, all the configuration should be complete and you are now ready to test your integration with PayPal Checkout + Smart Payments. Add something to your cart and proceed with checkout!