Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.0.0-GA


  • Example: JDK 11 is now required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Impacted Services Links

Introduced Broadleaf Store Credit module to support store credit payment

CreditAccountServices, PaymentTransactionServices, CartOperationServices, MicroservicesGateways MicroservicesDemo

Credit Account Services

Upgrade Guide

Configuration Properties


    • Description: The threshold of failure before the service is considered down

    • Default value: 1


    • Description: The set of transaction types that this gateway supports

    • Default value: ["AUTHORIZE_AND_CAPTURE", "REFUND"]


    • Description: The set of features that this gateway supports

    • Default value: ["PARTIAL_CAPTURE", "PARTIAL_REFUND"]


    • Description: The type of this gateway

    • Default value: BLC_STORE_CREDIT


    • Description: The base url for an external credit account service


    • Description: The default URI to execute a debit transactions for the provided account number


    • Description: The default URI to execute a credit transactions for the provided account number


    • Description: The service client to use when calling credit account services

    • Default value: storecreditclient

New Permissions

There are new permissions and scopes for some service OAuth2 clients. Permissions and scopes can be added via admin or sql script.

See AuthServices release notes for more details.