Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.5.0

Table of Contents

Features & Enhancements

  • Added property to track whether authentication has been checked

    • Affects auth-react

    • didAuthenticationCheck, which is set after authentication is attempted.

    • This is to account for the state where isAuthenticated and isAuthenticating are false because authentication has not been attempted yet.

  • Added support for supplying an acct_id in token requests when a customer is in an Account context

    • acct_id also added to IdentityClaims

  • Added support to read user operation info from the UserAccessController to determine what operations a user is permitted for the given scopes

    • If provided a scope like PRODUCT, the endpoint returns a list of operations permitted such as UPDATE, CREATE, READ, ALL. This can be useful in determining what components to render for the user, particularly in an Account context where one user might be able to manage Cart Approvals but another cannot.