Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Item Lists


Item lists are similar to carts in that they contain items, but they have a much simpler level of detail compared to carts and cart items. The most typical use case for item lists is for wishlists and "cart" sharing. They contain no information on pricing, shipping, payment, or any other stateful concept. They simply are a list of references to items. Items lists are intended to be easy to transform into a cart and vice versa to support wishlist-like behavior.

Generally, if that stateful information (pricing, shipping, payment info) is required, it is preferable to use named carts rather than item lists.

Item List Access Control

Item lists have a more complex ownership mechanism than carts. Item lists have their own access control list (represented by ItemListAccessRules). This allows them to be shared in various ways (by email, by customer account, or by direct customer reference) with varying degrees of access:

  • OWNER: Grants full access to the item list and the ability to change who can access the item list.

  • EDIT: Grants the ability to add, update, and remove items from the list.

  • VIEW: Grants read-only access to the item list. This is enough to be able to see the items and add them to cart.