Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Commerce Microfrontend

The Commerce Microfrontend is designed to provide component libraries for commerce applications. These libraries are intended to be used to get clients started building their own UIs with a Broadleaf backend. They provide a somewhat opinionated set of components that will be updated and maintained by Broadleaf.

Source code will be included in the dependency bundle for users who wish to view in order to replace or recreate out of box components.

|_ node_muldes/
|    |_ @broadleaf/
|    |    |_ commerce-quote-react/
|    |    |    |_ src/


This SDK will include several packages:

  1. @broadleaf/commerce-quote-react React UI components, hooks, and utilities for rendering a Quote browse and details page in My Account.


Quote React

Using the package manager of your choice, run the following command inside your project directory to add the Quote React library and its required dependencies:

npm install @broadleaf/commerce-quote-react @broadleaf/auth-react @broadleaf/commerce-cart @headlessui/react classnames formik lodash react@17 react-dom@17 react-intl
# or
yarn add @broadleaf/commerce-quote-react @broadleaf/auth-react @broadleaf/commerce-cart @headlessui/react classnames formik lodash react@17 react-dom@17 react-intl
These required dependencies are already included by the Next.js Starter project.

Next steps

Using the nav on the left, explore the specific implementation details of each module.