Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Commerce Microfrontend Release Notes

List of Releases

Upgrade Guidance

Consider adding the following script to your storefront project to make upgrading Microfrontend dependencies easier:




echo "Upgrading MicroFrontend versions to $1..."

yarn add @broadleaf/commerce-shared-react@$1 @broadleaf/commerce-quote-react@$1 --exact

echo "\n${GREEN}Finished${NC}"

And then add this to the scripts in your package.json

  "scripts": {
    "upgrade:microfrontend": "./"

Then you can upgrade to the latest version of each module using this from the command line:

# for latest 1.0 patch of each module, commerce-quote-react, etc.
yarn upgrade:microfrontend latest-1.0
Not every module has changes for each release, so @broadleaf/commerce-quote-react might increment its version but future modules might not.