Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.8.0-GA


  • JDK 11 is now required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Impacted Services Links

Updated AccountAddress to implement Owned interface

Added support for child accounts to inherit account addresses from parent accounts

DataTracking, MicroservicesCommonDependencies

Introduced AccountInvite functionalities

Refactored AccountMember domains

Added support for managing Accounts, AccountAddresses, and AccountMembers in the Admin

Added messaging channel to emit an AccountParentChangeRequest when an account’s parent field is set or updated


Added Arabic translations

AdminWeb, MenuServices, Metadata, SearchServices, ImportServices, TenantServices, AuthenticationServices, NotificationServices, SandboxServices, ScheduledJobServices, InventoryServices, PersonalizationServices, PromotionServices, AssetServices, ContentServices, AdminServices, OrderServices, CatalogServices

Added tax id to customer

Upgrade Guide

API Changes

New Endpoints

Path Description

GET /accounts/customer/{customerId}

Read accounts for a customer

GET /accounts/{accountId}/account-invites

Get all account invites for an account

POST /accounts/{accountId}/account-invites

Create an account invite to an account

DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/account-invites/{inviteId}

Delete an account invite

POST /accounts/{accountId}/account-invites/{inviteId}/resend-invite

Resend an account invite

POST /accounts/{accountId}/account-invites/{inviteId}/accept-invite

Accept an account invite

GET /accounts/my-account-invites

Get all account invites for a customer

GET /{accountId}/members

Get all account members for an account

POST /{accountId}/members

Create an account member for an account

GET /{accountId}/members/{accountMemberId}

Get an account member for an account

PATCH /{accountId}/members/{accountMemberId}

Update an account member

PUT /{accountId}/members/{accountMemberId}

Update an account member

DELETE /{accountId}/members/{accountMemberId}

Delete an account member

GET /accounts/customer-accounts/{accountId}

Read account members from a customer facing perspective

GET /accounts/customer-accounts/{accountId}/account-member/{memberId}

Read an account member from a customer facing perspective

PUT /accounts/customer-accounts/{accountId}/account-member/{memberId}

Update an account member from a customer facing perspective

PATCH /accounts/customer-accounts/{accountId}/account-member/{memberId}

Update an account member from a customer facing perspective

DELETE /accounts/customer-accounts/{accountId}/account-member/{memberId}

Delete an account member from a customer facing perspective

GET /accounts/customer-accounts/my-accounts

Read my accounts from a customer facing perspective

Configuration Properties

Added Properties


    • Whether to automatically accept all pending account invites when an invited user registers as a customer

    • Default value: true

  • broadleaf.customer.account.invite.invite-duration

    • Determines the length of time an account invite remains valid before expiring

    • Default value: 48 hours

  • broadleaf.customer.account.invite.invites-never-expire

    • Determines whether the account invite never expires

    • Default value: false

New Permissions

There are new permissions and scopes for some service OAuth2 clients. Permissions and scopes can be added via admin or sql script.

See AuthServices release notes for more details.