Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Shipping Labels


Shipping Services can provide shipping labels for orders. To provide shipping labels, there should be a ShippingLabelProvider that can create a label from an OrderFulfillment. The ShipEngine integration supports shipping labels out-of-the-box.

Weight must be set on products for accurate shipping labels.


The ShippingLabelProvider interface defines the following methods:

  • provideShippingLabel - takes an OrderFulfillment and returns a ShippingLabelDownload.

  • canProvideShippingLabel - determines if this provider supports creating labels for the given fulfillment option.

  • shippingLabelIsPurchased - indicates if a label has already been purchased for the given OrderFulfillment.


The ShipEngineFulfillmentPricingProvider implements both FulfillmentPricingProvider and ShippingLabelProvider. See ShipEngine Integration Docs for details.