Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Vendor Services Data Model

Data Diagram

The following data shows the key tables used by the Vendor Service.

Vendor Data Model

Key Domain Classes


A domain representing a Vendor.

A Vendor is a third-party seller or brand-owner who has permission to manage the vendor-discriminated entities that are partitioned to their users. For more info on Vendor permissions, see Access Control and Data Visibility for Vendor-Restricted Users.


A domain representing contact details for connecting with the vendor.

  • fullName: String - The combined names of the contact.

  • emailAddress: String - The email address of the contact.

  • address: Address - The address of the contact.


A domain representing address details.

  • companyName: String - The name of the company at this address.

  • addressLine1: String - Primary address information, typically street name and building number.

  • addressLine2: String - Secondary address information, like apartment, suite, or unit number.

  • addressLine3: String - Tertiary address information, typically for international addresses.

  • city: String - The city, town or village of this address.

  • county: String - The county of this address.

  • stateProvinceRegion: String - The state, province or region of this address.

  • country: String - The country for this address.

  • postalCode: String - Postal code or ZIP code for this address.

  • phonePrimary: Phone - The primary phone number for this address.

  • phoneSecondary: Phone - The secondary phone number for this address.

  • phoneFax: Phone - The fax number for this address.

  • additionalAttributes: java.util.Map - Any additional attributes for this address.

BLC Common Features

Vendor services uses the following Common Data Features which create additional tables within the Vendor Services data schema.

Tenant Trackable - Vendor service data is tenant trackable to support the service running in a multi-tenant environment.