Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Product Details Endpoint


Catalog Browse provides access to one or more products and all data relevant to a product details or list page. It will ensure that its hierarchy of related entities, like included product, product options, and variants, are properly hydrated and priced so as to minimize the complexity that the caller must handle. In particular, since SpecificItemChoice and IncludedProduct entities also have an underlying Product or Variant, the inherited price will be copied up from those underlying entities onto the SpecificItemChoice or IncludedProduct so that the caller does not need to determine them itself.

See the OpenAPI spec for the product details endpoint.

Request Details


The request made can contain two headers (along with the typical X-Context-Request one) as well as several parameters used to determine which product to fetch. The headers are used to provide additional context for pricing the product and are passed along in pricing calls after retrieving the base catalog info:

  • X-Price-Context: Contains general context info including the locale, currency, and user targets associated with the caller’s context

    • User targets include an identifier and type for a user such as an email and CUSTOMER for a single user.

  • X-Price-Info-Context: Contains additional context info for gathering price info for specific products. It includes a list of the products converted into PriceableTargets as well as an optional list of predetermined PriceLists from which prices should be derived.


A PriceableTarget is a DTO representing any kind of entity that can be priced. It includes

  • the ID,

  • the type (e.g., SKU, PRICING_KEY),

  • a map representing the priceable fields of the entity (e.g., basePrice → $10.99, salePrice → $9.99, cost → 1.99)

  • and a map of arbitrary attributes that the pricing engine can target such as the entity’s name, categories it belongs to, etc.


The following parameters are passed along to the CatalogProvider and are used to determine which product to retrieve.

  • productUris: One or more URIs that map to specific products. This is used if productIds are not provided and is the typical way products are identified by a commerce-facing app since the URL that a user has navigated to is available while the specific IDs of the products are not.

  • productIds: The specific IDs of the products to retrieve

  • attributes: Any unspecified, miscellaneous parameters are added here

Response Details

The response is one or more of an augmented version of a Product that includes all the disparate relationships it has consolidated into one object. It includes:

  • advancedTags: All of the product’s related ProductTags.

  • assets: All of the product’s assets' metadata including their:

    • type: The asset type: IMAGE, VIDEO, PDF, etc.

    • altText: Corresponds to the HTML alt attribute on an <img> tag.

    • title: Corresponds to the HTML title attribute on an <img> tag.

    • contentUrl: The full URL used to resolve the actual asset content such as a CDN path for an image

    • embedCode: HTML to embed on a frontend

    • tags: Additional, descriptive or identifying text that can be used to associate an image with a specific Variant or ProductOption value, for instance

    • See ProductAsset javadocs for the full details.

  • breadcrumbs: List of navigational breadcrumbs based on the product’s request context or category hierarchy

  • includedProducts: Hydrated list of additional, included items (like fixed quantity add-ons) with their own consolidated data

  • options: List of ProductOptions with their item or attribute choices hydrated with the appropriate product or variant details and pricing. Most of the complexity in retrieving products comes from ensuring that these options are as complete as possible for a frontend to display and allow for configuration by a customer without additional backend calls or complex logic to build the hierarchies.

  • variants: List of all of a Products Variants with their pricing hydrated from a pricing provider

  • parentCategories: Simplified references to the categories that contain the requested product Includes:

    • id: ID of the category

    • name: Name or label of the category

    • url: URL for displaying details of the category in a commerce-facing app

  • promotionalProducts: Lists of the various kinds of promotional products such as cross-sale and up-sale mapped by their type

  • vendorRef: If relevant, the ID or reference to a Vendor.

See the ProductDetails javadoc for further details.