Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.8.4-GA

Release Train 1.8.2-GA includes changes from 1.8.2-1.8.4. These have been consolidated here for convenience. In the future, services like Catalog Browse will see release candidates (RCs) created instead of GAs so that they align with Release Train RCs and GAs.


  • JDK 11 is required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

  • JDK 17 is supported for Broadleaf release trains 1.8.1-GA, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

  • Updated how ExternalCatalogProvider#fetchProductsWithDetails interprets 404s so that it adds more details about the missing products in its response.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with multi-currency variant pricing

    • When a catalog is used with multiple currencies, the system was not choosing the correct result. To correct, when a response for a VARIANT includes multiple priceInfo results where one of them is a PRICING_CONTEXT result, any results not matching the currency of the PRICING_CONTEXT result will be removed from consideration.

    • Added support for advanced pricing structure in search results including the pricing key of products.

    • For Variant-Based Products, the lowest variant base and sale price will be used if no pricing key or defaultSku price list pricing is available.

  • Fixed cost price field conditional to check type instead of name of enum to get correct field name.