Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Data Feed Services Configuration Properties

This document covers the miscellaneous configuration properties used by Data Feed Services.

External Service Provider Properties

Name Description Default


Properties affecting how DataFeedServices makes requests to CatalogServices


Properties affecting how DataFeedServices makes requests to InventoryServices


Properties affecting how DataFeedServices makes requests to PricingServices


Properties affecting how DataFeedServices makes requests to RatingsAndReviewsServices

Collector Properties

Name Description Default


Properties affecting how the ProductDataFeedCollector works

Data Source Properties

These properties are for configuring the datasource.

General Data Source

This exposes all of the Spring DataSourceProperties under broadleaf.datafeed.datasource. This is to allow the regular property structure to be restricted to a specific Broadleaf data route.


This exposes all of the Spring LiquibaseProperties under broadleaf.datafeed.liquibase. This is to allow the regular property structure to be restricted to a specific Broadleaf data route.


This exposes all of the Spring JpaProperties under broadleaf.datafeed.jpa in addition to the Spring HibernateProperties under broadleaf.datafeed.jpa.hibernate. This is to allow the regular property structure to be restricted to a specific Broadleaf data route.

Delegating Data Source

These are additional properties that define datasource configuration that employs SchemaDelegatingDataSource. This allows through configuration alone a setup that declares multiple datasources (each tied to a schema) backed by a common base datasource. This config is generally employed as part of a flex-package installation where multiple services run together in a single JVM.

  • broadleaf.datafeed.delegating.schema: The schema that borrowed connections should be initialized to in SchemaDelegatingDataSource.

  • broadleaf.datafeed.delegating.delegateRef: The back-reference to another section of configuration that fully describes the base datasource backing the SchemaDelegatingDataSource.