Fixed bug that occurred for Fulfillment notifications where the customer context id is null causing a JSON PathNotFound exception and the notification to not be sent.
Added external tenant provider to resolve customer context id from application id if the path is not found
The provider url needs to be configured based on the flex package configuration, see Added Properties for more details
The application resolution response is cached based on the configured time-to-live, see Added Properties for more details
Description: The base url for the TenantServices.
Default value: https://localhost:8450/tenant
IMPORTANT: This value should be updated according to the flex package configuration.
For balanced flex package, the port should be processing app’s port.
For Min/One flex package, the port should be 8447
Description: The path to resolve an application by id
Default value: /resolver/application
Description: The service client used when calling TenantServices from NotificationServices.
Default value: "notificationclient"
Description: Time-to-live for resolving an application by its id
Default Value: 5 minutes