Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Price List Types

Prices can be one of three types (Standard, Sale, or Contract). Each of these types has specific meaning within the pricing service.

Standard Price Lists

A Standard price is used to represent the normal purchase price for a product / sku. Standard prices can be explicitly set or based on formulas tied to the direct product or sku attributes

Sale Price Lists

A Sale price is used to represent an "on sale" price for a product / sku. Sale prices can be explicitly set or based on formulas tied to the direct sku cost and price properties or computed based off of the standard price list value.

Contract Price Lists

A Contract price is used to represent a contract specific price for a customer / account. Contract prices can be explicitly set or based on formulas tied to the direct product or sku attributes or the computed standard or sale price. For example, a contract price list could be setup to be standard prices - 10 percent.