This is a BETA release and not generally available. Contents may change prior to GA. |
The 2.x versions are Spring Boot 3 compatible. |
A single PriceData
can be used to define an upfront price (the normal price
) along with a recurring and usage price.
The recurring price includes defining the billing period frequency and optional terms, e.g., bill monthly for 36 months, bill quarterly indefinitely, bill annually for 10 years.
The usage price includes defining units for what is being used and the amount to charge for, e.g., per minute, per gigabyte, per message.
Supports also targeting a characteristic value in combination with the Product’s SKU to associate pricing.
Supports targeting a Product’s terms in combination with a SKU to associate pricing.
payload now contains fields for RecurringPriceDetail
and UsagePriceDetail
payload also contains RecurringPriceDetail
and UsagePriceDetail
for the best price of a particular type to support strike-through pricing display.
payload supports specifying Product Terms or Characteristics for which to get pricing for.