Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Data Tracking Release Notes for 2.0.4-GA

Table of Contents
  • The 2.x versions are Spring Boot 3 compatible.

Bug fixes

  • Updated MappableCrudEntityHelper and CrudEntityHelper to fix a bug where if multiple SortTransformer components existed, only the result of applying the last one was returned to the caller. Now, as expected, the result of each transformer is passed to the next in a chain, and the cumulative result is what gets returned.

  • Multiple user translation creates for the same field can result in duplicates when deployed

    • Now detect duplicate creates for the same translation target at deployment and archive all but the latest

  • Updated PostToMeConverter and RuleInspector to avoid using reflection on non-introspectable types such as Java types and Enums. Previously, this prevented clients using a specific subset of functionality from removing --add-opens Java flags.

  • Auto-remediate change type mismatch when detected for DELETE operations

    • Although still unknown how it occurs, it is possible for the sandbox changeType and ChangeDetail operationType to be out of sync for a delete operation. Specifically, the sandbox changeType can be reported incorrectly as UPDATE.

    • When this case is detected, the sandbox changeType is autocorrected to be DELETE.