Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.8.4-GA

New Features & Notable Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing Oracle liquibase changesets for CODE_CHALLENGE and CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD.

New Permissions and Scopes

New permissions and scopes have been added and should be inserted into the auth database with the following SQL:

-- Dev Settings scope and permission to allow enabling Admin dev settings mode per-user instead of only globally
INSERT INTO blc_security_scope ("id", "name", "open")VALUES ('-10008', 'DEV_SETTINGS', 'N');
INSERT INTO blc_permission_scope (id, "permission", is_permission_root, scope_id)
VALUES('-10008', 'DEV_SETTINGS', 'Y', '-10008');
INSERT INTO blc_user_permission ("id", "archived", "last_updated", "name", "is_account_perm")
VALUES('-10010', 'N', '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'ALL_DEV_SETTINGS', 'N');