Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Checkout Reverse Authorize Transaction


Before performing a Reverse Authorize transaction with the gateway, you’ll first need to set up your environment as described in the Environment Setup Guide.

Executing a Refund Transaction

Reverse-Authorize transaction can only be performed using Payment ID retrieved from Authorize transaction.

Use the following code snippet to perform a Reverse-Authorize transaction:

public class ReverseAuthorize {

 private final CheckoutComTransactionService checkoutComTransactionService;

 public void reverseAuthorize() {
		 CurrencyUnit currency = Monetary.getCurrency(currencyCode);
		 MonetaryAmount transactionTotal = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(currency).setNumber(amount).create();

		 PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest()
		        .transactionReferenceId(transactionReferenceId)// this is the unique Transaction Reference ID
                .additionalField(CheckoutConstants.PAYMENT_ID, paymentId) // This is the Payment ID retrieved from Authorize transaction
                .tenantId("TENANT"); // Declare the tenant id to help identify where transaction results should be recorded

	 	PaymentResponse paymentResponse = checkoutComTransactionService.reverseAuthorize(paymentRequest);

		paymentResponse.getGatewayResponseCode(); // Response Code
		paymentResponse.getFailureType(); // Failure type in case the transaction was not successful.
	   	paymentResponse.getRawResponse(); // raw response stored as a JSON object.
        paymentResponse.getResponseMap().get(CheckoutConstants.PAYMENT_ID); // Payment ID.
        paymentResponse.isAwaitingAsyncResults(); // If true, will return detailed response via Webhook

To set additional fields in the PaymentRequest, use method

PaymentRequest.additionalField(key, value)

To get values from responseMap, use

PaymentResponse.getResponseMap().get(key, value)

To get the transaction reference ID from response:


To get the Broadleaf Payment ID from the response:


For more details on the Reverse Authorize transaction request & response parameters, refer to the Checkout.Com API Reference.