Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod Release Notes for 1.0.4-GA


  • Implemented integration for the accepting payments using KNET debit cards

  • Updated DefaultCheckoutComGatewayWebhookHandler to support HOSTED_PAYMENT_PAGE_TRANSACTION_RESULTS notification type

  • Implemented a method DefaultCheckoutComGatewayWebhookHandler.shouldHandleRequest to check if the webhook event can be handled

  • Add a new interface com.broadleafcommerce.payment.service.gateway.constants.CheckoutComWebhookType to have the ability to add the new webhook event types

  • Replaced the DefaultCheckoutCom3DSTransactionLookupService with DefaultCheckoutComTransactionLookupService implementing the PaymentGatewayTransactionLookupService interface

    • In most ways, the implementations are identical, but with the inclusion of logic for KNET payments

Error Messaging Improvements

  • Made the errorMessage param Nullable in DefaultCheckoutComTransactionService#buildExceptionPaymentResponse.

  • Added an error message and debug-level logging to TransactionResultsNotAvailableException in DefaultCheckoutComTransactionLookupService.

  • Removed warn-level logging from WebhookValidationException in DefaultCheckoutComGatewayWebhookHandler#validate and added an error message.

  • Added an error message to WebhookSignatureGenerationException in WebhookSignatureUtil#generateSignature

  • Added a GATEWAY_CREDENTIALS_ERROR with code 500 to CheckoutStatusCodesEnum.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the child transaction created by webhook had a null amount

  • Fixed an issue where CheckoutApiSetupException thrown in CheckoutApiInitService#prepareCheckoutAPI would cause a IllegalArgumentException because of a null error message.