Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.7.0-GA


  • JDK 11 is now required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Related Services Links

Removed qualifier criteria from order and fulfillment group offers


Moved offer qualifier details to adjustments and use adjustments to represent offer target details

CartOperationServices, OfferClient, OfferServices, OrderOperationServices, OrderClient, OrderCommon

Updated offer proration type default value to TARGET_AND_QUALIFIER


Added tiered discount support for order offer based on eligible discount cart subtotal


Added support for item criteria rules generated by fulfillment group item offer types when retrieving marketing messages

Bug Fixes

Issue Related Services

Updated marketing message resolver to avoid gathering marketing messages for offers without qualifier criteria


Fixed offer minimum subtotal and qualifying total requirements


Fixed index names for Oracle database changelogs

AdminServices, AuthenticationServices, CartServices, CatalogServices, CustomerServices, ImportServices, JpaCommon, OfferServices, OrderServices, SandboxServices, SearchServices, TenantServices

Fixed issues where the products are not distinguished as qualifier or target when building marketing message response


Added configuration to prevent benign exceptions during tests related to being unable to determine datasource route

CampaignServices, OfferServices

Fixed marketing messages NPE when product is on sale and offer does not apply to sales


Added logic to filter out marketing messages for offers that have been used the maximum times


Fixed issue with percent off tiered order offers


Fixed metadata configuration for default values and conditionals for free gift and voucher offers


Upgrade Guide

API Changes



  • POST /offer-engine/apply

    • ItemAdjustment now includes the following properties:

      • A collection of qualifier details

      • quantity per usage

      • offer uses

  • POST /offer-engine/apply

    • ItemResponse no longer includes collections of qualifier item details and target item details

Schema Changes & Data Migrations

Liquibase Change Sets

Create/Update SQL Drop SQL

Migrating Offer Qualifier and Target Details

The offer qualifier and target details were introduced in 1.6, but the payloads and the structure of the details are refactored in 1.7.

Since these payloads are only passed to CartOperationServices and OrderOperationServices and the payloads are never persisted in OfferServices, the data migration only needs to be considered for CartServices and OrderServices. For more details on the migrations, please see the CartServices release notes and OrderServices release notes.