Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 2.0.6-GA

New Features & Notable Changes

  • Added Fulfillment Service Level field to metadata to be displayed in Offer create & update forms when the Offer Type is Fulfillment Item or Fulfillment Group

    • Select options for the Fulfillment Service Level field are taken from the newly added FulfillmentServiceLevelType enum class, which is based on the ServiceLevelOptions enum class in Fulfillment Services

  • Enhanced discount determination logic for dependent items

Bug Fixes

  • Improved exception handling for SpelEvaluationException in the marketing message workflow

  • Fixed a use-case where multiple offer codes with the same code string sometimes did not return the CodeUsabilityType#USABLE when a subset of those offer codes was usable and a subset was not usable.