Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.7.2-GA

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change

Offer priority will return Long.MAX_VALUE if the persisted priority value is null.

Introduced proration logic to prorate order and fulfillment group level offers across items.

Fixed/re-introduced fulfillment group merchandise total as an offer option. This property existed as an option when building fulfillment group offers, but was missing from the fulfillment group domain so was unusable.

Certain fields may now be marked as "Unlimited" in the admin (e.g. offer uses).

Bug Fixes


Fixed an issue where certain rule-builder combinations would result in a valid rule being rejected as invalid.

Fixed an issue where rules with String equals or notEquals were unable to be used.

Fixed a potential NPE that can happen during offer permutation processing

Fixed an invalid filter used during offer combinability lookup.