Fixed the IllegalArgumentException
with post-checkout-submission voucher offer validation, when the voucher offer is automatically applied rather than through an offer code.
Removed field Apply discount to items already on sale?
for Order and Fulfillment group level offers
This field should only be visible for the Item or Fulfillment item level Offers, as it is not supported for Order or Fulfillment Group level Offers
Updated the extensibility of multiple offer entities (extended from JpaOfferAuditSummary, JpaSharedCodeAuditSummary, JpaCampaign, JpaMarketingMessage, JpaOfferCode, JpaOffer) by fixing logic in the corresponding customized spring repository class.
Fixed an issue where an order offer remainder applied to multiple fulfillment groups would calculate the offer across all fulfillment groups instead of cascading the remainder to the rest of the groups.
Fixed issue where the End Date for a Campaign could not be removed once populated.
Updated the Jenkinsfile
to use the current Offer Services directory to fix an issue with Offer Services JavaDocs generation.