Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.1.0-GA


  • JDK 11 is now required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Related Services Links

Added support for account payment and saved payment method management

Added support for directly execute a DetachedCredit transaction


Added support for child accounts to inherit saved payment methods from parent accounts


Added support for using Broadleaf StoreCredit for checkout

CreditAccountServices, CartOperationServices, MicroservicesGateways, AuthenticationServices, PaymentGatewayCommon, CommerceSDK, NextJS Starter

Bug Fixes

Issue Related Services

Added success transaction status and non-reversal management state filters when looking for parent transactions

AdminWeb, Broadleaf’s AmazonPaymentServices integration library

Fixed condition for SecurityEnhancer bean registration

CartServices, AssetServices, TenantServices, ContentServices, CatalogServices, SandboxServices, ShippingServices, CartOperationServices, CatalogBrowseServices

Updates payment transaction’s source entity id if it’s equal to request id

OrderOperationServices, OrderServices, OrderClient

Upgrade Guide

API Changes

New Endpoints

Path Description

POST /payments/{id}/detached-credit

Execute a detached credit transaction

POST /accounts/{accountId}/saved-payment-methods

Create saved payment method for an account

GET /accounts/{accountId}/saved-payment-methods

Get saved payment methods for an account

GET /accounts/{accountId}/saved-payment-methods/{savedPaymentMethodId}

Get a saved payment method for an account

PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/saved-payment-methods/{savedPaymentMethodId}

Update a saved payment method for an account

DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/saved-payment-methods/{savedPaymentMethodId}

Delete a saved payment method for an account

POST /account-payments

Create a payment for an account

GET /account-payments

Get payments for an account

PATCH /account-payments/{id}

Update a payment for an account

DELETE /account-payments/{id}

Delete a payment for an account

Auth Configuration

New Permissions

There are new permissions and scopes for the OAuth2 clients and the customer user role. Permissions and scopes can be added via admin or sql script.

See AuthServices 1.8.0 release notes for more details.