Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Understanding Transaction Data


A Payment (blc_payment) holds data about the payment method and the total amount that will be captured (e.g. credit card and $10). The Payment contains a collection of PaymentTransactions (blc_payment_transaction records) which are used to record transactional interactions with a payment gateway. In this section, we’ll dive into the details of blc_payment_transaction records to learn how to interpret these records and recognize various transaction scenarios.

Payment Transaction Notable Columns

Field Description


The primary key of the blc_payment record related to this transaction.


The id representing the customer’s request to execute one or more transactions. This field can be used to identify transactions that were executed within the same process - e.g. the transactions executed during a checkout attempt.


A unique, Broadleaf-produced ID that is passed to the payment gateway, that can be used to link the Broadleaf representation of the transaction to the gateway’s representation of the transaction.


The id of the parent Payment Transaction.

Necessary for operations on a payment that act upon a previously-executed transaction. For instance, a CAPTURE must act upon an AUTHORIZE parent transaction, and a REFUND must act upon a CAPTURE parent transaction. The full set of expected parent-child transaction relationships are as follows:

Child Transaction → Parent Transaction

Reverse Authorize → Authorize

Capture → Authorize

Refund → Capture

Refund → AuthorizeAndCapture


The name of the system that initiated the transaction - e.g. CART_OPERATION_SERVICES or ORDER_OPERATION_SERVICES


The type of the source entity associated with the transaction - e.g. CHECKOUT_REQUEST or ORDER_FULFILLMENT


The ID of the source entity associated with the transaction - e.g. the checkout request ID or the OrderFulfillment’s ID


The type of the source entity of the transaction that proceeded this transaction. This is used to identify the parent transactions within the same entity.

For example, the execution of a refund transaction requires a proceeding capture or authorize and capture transaction. Let’s say the proceeding capture transaction has the source entity type of ORDER_FULFILLMENT, and the refund transaction has the entity source type of RETURN_CONFIRMATION. In this case, the refund transaction request needs the parent source entity type of ORDER_FULFILLMENT and its id in order to identify the parent capture transaction.

Note that if this field is not provided, it will retrieve parent transactions from any entity based on paymentId and transactionType


The ID of the source entity of the transaction that proceeded this transaction.


The type of this transaction.

See the Transaction Types section below for more details on the possible types.


The status of the transaction.

See the Transaction Statuses section below for more details.


Describes how a transaction is being used, esp. if it needs to be reversed or if it has been reversed.

See the Management States section below for more details on the possible states.


Tells if this transaction has an indeterminate result.

Having an indeterminate result means that the true outcome of the transaction is not known. For example, if a transaction is sent to the payment processor but a network error occurred, it is not known to us whether the user was actually charged or not (thus, the result is indeterminate).

Transactions should be marked as indeterminate when sending to the payment processor, and then unmarked once a response is received, understood, and recorded. This means that a transaction in an indeterminate result state is <em>expected</em> during the sending to processor phase. However, if the transaction remains in that state for an excessive amount of time, something likely went wrong and the transaction will need to be reconciled. If the transaction changes from the sending to processor status but remains indeterminate, the transaction will also require reconciliation in that scenario.

Some situations which may lead to an indeterminate result:

  • A transaction request is sent to the processor, but a network error prevents the payment gateway from receiving the request

  • A transaction request is sent to the processor, but a network error prevents us from receiving the response

  • A transaction request is sent to the processor, but the processor returns an unexpected error (e.g. 500 internal server error)

  • A transaction request is sent to the processor and a response is received from the payment gateway, but the result cannot be recorded because the database is down

Transaction Types

The transaction type is used to represent the types of operations/transactions that could occur against a single payment.

The default list of transaction types:

Type Description


Funds have been authorized for capture. These transactions represent a temporary reserve on the customer’s funds, and they often auto-expire after a period of time.


The reverse of an AUTHORIZE transaction - i.e. the release of the temporary reservation.

NOTE: Some payment gateways refer to this transaction type as a "Void".


Funds have been charged/submitted/debited from the customer and payment is complete. Can ONLY occur after an amount has been authorized (AUTHORIZE)


Funds have been authorized and captured all at once. While this might be the simplest to implement from an order management perspective, the recommended approach is to AUTHORIZE and then CAPTURE in separate transactions and at separate times. For instance, an AUTHORIZE would happen once the order has completed checkout but then a CAPTURE would happen once the order has shipped

NOTE: Many gateways like to refer to this as also a SALE transaction.

The outcome of this transaction type should be treated the exact same as a CAPTURE transaction.


Funds have been refunded/credited. This can ONLY occur after funds have been captured. This assumes that there will be a parent AUTHORIZE_AND_CAPTURE or CAPTURE transaction that this can be tied back to.

NOTE: This can also be referred to as a "follow-on credit"


Some payment processors allow you to issue credit to a customer that is not tied to an initial AUTHORIZE or AUTHORIZE_AND_CAPTURE transaction. Most payment gateways disable this feature by default because it is against card association (e.g. Visa, MasterCard) rules. However, there may be legitimate instances where you had a sale transaction but are not able to issue a refund (e.g. closed account of original payment etc…​) Please contact your payment gateway provider to see how to enable this feature.

NOTE: This is also sometimes referred to as a "blind credit" or "stand-alone credit"

Transaction Statuses

The status is used to describe the current status of the transaction.

Status Description


The payment gateway call is being prepared, or has been made, and we don’t know the response yet. Transactions can remain in this status if the application restarts or if we encounter an unexpected network failure. If a transaction is in this state for an extended period of time, then it should be researched with the payment gateway to determine the result. In this case, the result will be indeterminate, and we expect the INDETERMINATE_RESULT column to be equal to 'Y'.


The transaction was received by the payment gateway, but they have requested 3DS verification from the customer before the transaction can be executed. If this status is present, then the THREE_D_SEC_VERIFICATION_URL column should contain the URL where the customer will need to be redirected to.


The transaction was successfully processed by the payment gateway


The payment gateway failed to successfully process the transaction. This primarily represents a declined payment

Management State

Management States Description


Represents a transaction that cannot be reversed automatically by scheduled jobs. For example, an AUTHORIZE transaction can be reversed by executing a REVERSE_AUTHORIZE transaction by an external system. However, it will not be picked up by the MarkPaymentTransactionsForReversalListener scheduled job.


Represents a transaction that is needs to be reversed.


Represents a transaction that is being actively reversed.


Represents a transaction that has been successfully reversed.


Represents a transaction that was not able to be reversed. This state likely requires manual review & reconciliation.


Represents a transaction that reversed another transaction.

Failed Transactions

When the error occurred during the execution of the transaction it will contain the information about the error. The status of failed transaction will be FAILURE.

The key fields to analyze an error:

  • FAILURE_TYPE - The type of transaction failure

  • GATEWAY_RESPONSE_CODE - The response code provided by the payment gateway which may represent a success or failure

  • GATEWAY_MESSAGE - Message from the gateway describing the result of the transaction

  • RAW_RESPONSE - The string representation of the serialized response from the gateway.

The default failure types:

Failure Description


The provided payment gateway credentials are not valid


The gateway is incorrectly configured or is not configured to handle the attempted type of request


There was a failure to process the request because the request itself is invalid


The provided payment method data is invalid. This could be an incorrect card number, expiration date, etc


The payment gateway failed to successfully process the transaction. This primarily represents a declined payment


Additional verification is required from the customer for the gateway to successfully process the transaction


Additional action is required for the transaction to be successfully processed


There was an unexpected error with the payment gateway itself


There was an error in communicating with the payment gateway. This can correlate to a known network failure/timeout or connection issue


There was an error when checking the validity of the response. Therefore, we’re unsure if we can trust the contents of the response. In this case, it’s best to treat the transaction as a failure and investigate it offline


An error that occurs when too many requests hit the gateway’s API too quickly


There was an error in our preparation of the gateway interaction or in our interpretation/storing of the response

Successful Transaction Examples

Authorize Transaction

    "id": "01FYBWMKPKSR4M0NM8YD9N0GQ0",
    "payment_id": "01FYBVP25SS9PN0H6B9YDK0CDN",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYBWMKP8MKAV1VTBDF1G03YM",
    "type": "AUTHORIZE",
    "amount": 19.19000,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request_id": "01FYBWMBWR1YY315QNJXZT1YS4",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYBWMBWR1YY315QNJXZT1YS4",
    "source_entity_type": "CHECKOUT_REQUEST",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 12:11:32.725000",
    "management_state": "AUTOMATIC_REVERSAL_NOT_ALLOWED",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2

Authorize and Capture Transaction

    "id": "01FYBXJ6J60MSR1X63T8KS1GYT",
    "payment_id": "01FYBXHXDXPP7S02QS4XRY1Z7A",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYBXJ6HSW6NJ1M4M5J8V1VSN",
    "amount": 19.19000,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request_id": "01FYBXJ2V6NKD30S7MST5H10JW",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYBXJ2V6NKD30S7MST5H10JW",
    "source_entity_type": "CHECKOUT_REQUEST",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 12:27:43.384000",
    "management_state": "AUTOMATIC_REVERSAL_NOT_ALLOWED",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2

Capture Transaction

    "id": "01FYC570Y3AT6H1MV50V2E0PJK",
    "parent_transaction_id": "01FYC55DMQ61KV05H0ZDBC05JV",
    "payment_id": "01FYC4VNW9XMAP0738AK9A1ZZJ",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYC570Y2R2AG13N5541W0DWK",
    "type": "CAPTURE",
    "amount": 16.99000,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request_id": "01FYC570XC4VJA0DXHCS1Z0AH7",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYC55ZFFEXQD17K77HGG06AY",
    "source_entity_type": "ORDER_FULFILLMENT",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 14:41:24.436000",
    "management_state": "AUTOMATIC_REVERSAL_NOT_ALLOWED",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2

Refund Transaction

    "id": "01FYC5BWJP8EJZ0K5SPK5604ZP",
    "parent_transaction_id": "01FYC570Y3AT6H1MV50V2E0PJK",
    "payment_id": "01FYC4VNW9XMAP0738AK9A1ZZJ",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYC5BWJN1KQ70C35EJCW1QQC",
    "type": "REFUND",
    "amount": 16.99000,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request_id": "01FYC5BWJ5607Q0T0XT8CP189Z",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYC5BW30470A1A5MRW2V1243",
    "source_entity_type": "RETURN_CONFIRMATION",
    "parent_source_entity_id": "01FYC55ZFFEXQD17K77HGG06AY",
    "parent_source_entity_type": "ORDER_FULFILLMENT",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 14:44:03.815000",
    "management_state": "AUTOMATIC_REVERSAL_NOT_ALLOWED",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2

Failed Transaction Examples

Failed Authorization Transaction (Insufficient Funds)

    "id": "01FYC6A07YAD690SPTYKP203HE",
    "payment_id": "01FYC69TFVXXPQ07XB8THQ1P6Z",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYC6A07XTARP1HCDP4AG1TBM",
    "type": "AUTHORIZE",
    "amount": 16.99000,
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "decline_type": "HARD",
    "failure_type": "PROCESSING_FAILURE",
    "gateway_response_code": "insufficient_funds",
    "gateway_message": "Insufficient funds",
    "request_id": "01FYC69VVJAM3Z0V120ZAJ07QB",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYC69VVJAM3Z0V120ZAJ07QB",
    "source_entity_type": "CHECKOUT_REQUEST",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 12:11:32.725000",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2

Authorization Transaction Requiring 3DS Verification

    "id": "01FYC6A07YAD690SPTYKP203HE",
    "payment_id": "01FYC69TFVXXPQ07XB8THQ1P6Z",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYC6A07XTARP1HCDP4AG1TBM",
    "type": "AUTHORIZE",
    "amount": 16.99000,
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "decline_type": "SOFT",
    "failure_type": "REQUIRES_3DS_VERIFICATION",
    "gateway_response_code": "REQUIRES_3DS_VERIFICATION",
    "gateway_message": "Requires 3DS verification",
    "three_d_sec_verification_url": "",
    "request_id": "01FYC69VVJAM3Z0V120ZAJ07QB",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYC69VVJAM3Z0V120ZAJ07QB",
    "source_entity_type": "CHECKOUT_REQUEST",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 12:11:32.725000",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2

Indeterminate result

    "id": "01FYC5NDKR38PK1QZPKKY51Y21",
    "payment_id": "01FYC5N695M17W11C31VGX0MH6",
    "transaction_reference_id": "01FYC5NDKQYP8V0DPPFQBW160A",
    "type": "AUTHORIZE",
    "amount": 19.19000,
    "status": "SENDING_TO_PROCESSOR",
    "indeterminate_result": "Y",
    "request_id": "01FYC5N9KXRG600EN5KESE131E",
    "source_entity_id": "01FYC5N9KXRG600EN5KESE131E",
    "source_entity_type": "CHECKOUT_REQUEST",
    "date_recorded": "2022-03-17 14:49:16.151000",
    "trk_tenant_id": "5DF1363059675161A85F576D",
    "version": 2