Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Tenant Service Configuration


There are various properties you can configure when utilizing Broadleaf’s Tenant Service.

Data Properties

Properties related to JPA and persistence configuration

Property Description


JPA Configuration Properties. See for full list of options.


Datasource Configuration Properties. See org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties for full list of options.


Liquibase Configuration Properties. See org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.liquibase.LiquibaseProperties for full list of options.


Delegating Schema Configuration Properties for running in a composed mode along side other Broadleaf microservices. See for full list of options.

Customer Context Properties

Properties related to the method for determining the customer context id

Property Description Default value Introduced in version


The default method for determining the customer context ID (CustomerContextResolverMethod Enum)


Url Resolver Properties

Properties related to the resolving of application and admin urls

Property Description


See com.broadleafcommerce.tenant.service.autoconfigure.UrlResolverProperties for full list of options.

Tenant Vendor Notification Handler Properties

(since 1.7.6)

Properties relating to the behavior of TenantVendorNotificationHandler

Property Description Default value


When TenantServices is notified about the creation of a vendor, it automatically creates a vendor catalog for that vendor. This property determines whether that catalog should also automatically be assigned to any marketplace(s) as determined by the MarketplaceDiscoverer component.


Search Group Properties

(since 2.1.0)

Properties relating to provisioning Search Groups for new Tenants and Applications.

broadleaf.tenant.application.initialize-search-group-catalog-for-new-applications-enabled Whether to create a SEARCH_GROUP type catalog automatically when a new application is created. It is expected that only one such catalog should exist for the application and this will simplify maintenance. true



Whether to create a SEARCH_GROUP type catalog automatically when a new tenant is created. It is expected that only one such catalog should exist for the tenant and this will simplify maintenance.