Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Tenant Services Release Notes for 2.1.0-GA

The 2.x versions are Spring Boot 3 compatible.


  • JDK 17 is required for Broadleaf release trains 2.0.0-GA, and beyond.

Important Updates


There are some issues with the search group migration scripts in this version. Please see below for further details.

  • This version includes all changes up to 2.0.1 Release Notes

  • Added admin metadata views to support managing Application Catalogs at the Application level.

  • Add new catalog type, SEARCH_GROUP.

    • Search Groups allow inheritance and override behavior support for Search Settings, Facets, and Sort Options. There can only be one Search Group per Application and Tenant. Therefore, one is automatically created when a new Tenant or Application is created via APIs.

      • The automatic creation of a Search Group is gated by new properties:

        • broadleaf.tenant.application.initialize-search-group-catalog-for-new-applications-enabled for Applications, and is defaulted to true.

        • broadleaf.tenant.tenant.initialize-search-group-catalog-for-new-tenants-enabled for Tenants, and is defaulted to true.

    • Migration scripts are included to set up a Search Group for any existing Applications and Tenants. See Scripts to Set Up Search Groups below.

Scripts to Set Up Search Groups


The migration scripts in this version have issues that have been resolved in Tenant Services 2.1.1.

We recommend clients who have not yet upgraded to 2.1.0 to jump directly to 2.1.1 to bypass some of these issues. Instead of following the steps in this section, we recommend upgrading to TenantServices 2.1.1, and following the 2.1.1 instructions instead.

Upgrading requires migration scripts to be added in your project:

  • Add db/sql/tenant-search-group-migration.sql( or db/sql/tenant-search-group-migration-oracle.sql for Oracle) to tenant.flexdemo.postgresql.changelog-master after any scripts that currently load Tenants and Applications. This script will:

    • Create a new Search Group type Catalog for each Tenant and Application.

    • Create the notifications for those Catalogs so that they will be synced on next application start up.

New Message Bindings

When a new Search Group is created for a new Tenant, a new event is produced so that other services, specifically Search, can provision related entities such as Search Settings.

In Tenant
          destination: tenantSearchGroup
In Search
          group: search-tenant-search-group
          destination: tenantSearchGroup