Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Inventory Release Notes for 1.7.14


  • JDK 11 is required for Broadleaf release trains 1.7.0-GA, and beyond.

  • JDK 17 is supported for Broadleaf release trains 1.8.1-GA, and beyond.

Notable Changes

  • Improved error handling of OrderSubmittedInventoryAdjustmentMessageListener in the case that a hard reservation is already in place. Previously, this scenario would throw an uncaught exception causing the message consumption to repeatedly fail until the retry attempts were exhausted.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where an import batch request containing a duplicate new records would create two SkuInventory records causing downstream issues. Fix returns errors for the duplicates and creates only the last record.

  • Fixed issue where an import batch request containing two updates to the same record would fail.

    • Fixed returns errors for the duplicates and updates only the last record.

  • Fixed collecting information about inventory availability for the provided location ID that caused an incorrect result for the GET /api/inventory/shop-sku-inventory/availability/inventory-location/{locationId} endpoint request.

  • Fixed the bug where the SkuInventory records are not archived when the InventoryLocation is archived.

    • Introduced a new archivalReason field to SkuInventory to record the archival reason.