Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Payment SDK Release Notes

Upgrade Guidance

Consider adding the following script to your storefront project to make upgrading Payment JS SDK dependencies easier:

This script lists all the React modules, but users generally only have one or two of these. It is recommended to remove the modules from the list that you do not use.


echo "Upgrading Payment SDK versions to $1..."

yarn add @broadleaf/braintree-payment-services-react@$1 @broadleaf/checkout-com-payment-services-react@$1 @broadleaf/myfatoorah-payment-services-react@$1 @broadleaf/payment-react@$1 @broadleaf/paypal-checkout-js@$1 @broadleaf/stripe-payment-services-react@$1 @broadleaf/tabby-payment-services-react@$1 --exact

echo "\n${GREEN}Finished${NC}"

And then add this to the scripts in your package.json

  "scripts": {
    "upgrade:payment": "./"

Then you can upgrade to the latest version of each module using this from the command line:

# for latest 1.3 patch of each module
yarn upgrade:commerce latest-1.3
Not every module has changes for each release, so @broadleaf/tabby-payment-services-react might increment its version but @broadleaf/stripe-payment-services-react and @broadleaf/paypal-checkout-js might not change.