Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.8.3-GA

Table of Contents

Notable Changes

General Changes

  • Refactored ProductImageColumnConverter to move opinionated property initialization into a new forceSetOpinionatedPropertiesOnMappedInstance() method. This makes overriding and customizing the default behavior easier.

  • In product import, enable users to specify a label for an allowed product option value.

    • Moved variant option value parsing into a single new method VariantRowConverter#parseAndValidateIndividualVariantOptionValueToken() which is now invoked by both the VariantRowConverter itself as well as ProductRowConverter

    • Introduce support for a new, more complex syntax for variant option values where each property is explicitly specified (ex: attributeName::Shirt Color;value::Red;valueLabel::Red (Deep Red))