Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 2.0.4

Table of Contents

Notable Changes

  • Add a field to ContentModel allowing the user to mark it as embeddedOnly.

    • Embedded only models do not show up on the browse view or in the top level add content flow.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the field type changes and the existing value is invalid for it that causes a ClassCastException.

  • Add validation to prevent creating content fields with the same name within 1 model

  • Fixed bug where deleting Content Models unsuccessfully lead to deleting related Content Fields by ID, resulting in orphaned content fields and a visible error in the admin.

  • Fixed issue where reference content that was referenced more than once by the same Content Item would only be retrieved once from the API.

    • Now, as many reference content items are returned as they are referenced by their parent.


To review the security related content, see 2.0.3 notes for the full details.