Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Release Notes for 1.7.5-GA


  • JDK 11 is now required for the Broadleaf 1.7.0-GA release train, and beyond.

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Related Services Links

Introduced support for payment distribution

OrderClient, OrderServices, AdminWeb

Introduced temporary resource lock for OrderOperationServices and OrderServices


Order Temporary Resource Lock TTL

Display total fees in customer order history and admin view for submitted orders

OrderClient, AdminWeb, NextJS Starter

Introduced improved logging throughout the checkout process

CartOperationServices, MicroSecurityCommon

  • Cleaned up our frontend example COD payment form & fees

  • Ensure the fees cannot be removed unless COD is deselected

  • Added validation to the payment validation activity in the checkout workflow to ensure COD is configured correctly & the COD fees exist

  • Updated the DefaultCartItemTypes to use a more specific enum value, COD_FEE instead of EXTRA_FEE

CartOperationServices, OrderServices, CartClient, OrderClient, Commerce SDK, NextJS Starter

Bug Fixes

Issue Related Services

Fixed issue where StoreCredit is not restored when refunding a fulfillment that used multiple payments


Fixed issue where OrderItem’s precalculated refund amount didn’t account for prorated order adjustments

Upgrade Guide

Method Signature Changes




This activity now implements RequiresSecurePaymentInformationActivity, which takes in two additional paymentLockTokens - Map<String, String> and securityCodes - Map<String, String> parameters, in order to reallocate cart payments when needed


Now take an additional paymentLockTokens - Map<String, String> parameter for updating cart payments


Added ContextInfo to request parameters of some methods for better extensibility


Added ContextInfo and GenerateReturnHydrationResult to request parameters of some methods for better extensibility


Refactored service to build and use ExecutablePayment and PaymentExecutionRequest

Configuration Properties

Added Properties

  • broadleaf.orderoperation.service.distribute-payment-transaction-amount-across-payments

    • Description: Declares whether or not to distribute a payment transaction amount across the Order’s payments proportionally

    • Default value: false

Deprecated Properties


    • Description: This property is deprecated, as payments will automatically be captured with the components enabled by