Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Return Flow


The Return Authorization lifecycle consists of four possible steps:

  1. Estimate Return

    • Allows the user to see what a return would look like, but doesn’t actually create a new return.

  2. Create Return

    • Creates a new Return Authorization as a customer or as an admin.

  3. Confirm Return

    • Registers all or part of a particular Return Authorization as returned and received by the seller.

  4. Cancel Return

    • Cancels any of the return that hasn’t already been confirmed.

All interactions with returns are always within the scope of a single Order. A Return Authorization can cover items from multiple fulfillments within that Order.

See the Return API spec for request and response details.

Return Flow Steps

Estimate Return

The endpoint to estimate a return would normally be used to show a customer or admin what their estimated totals will be for their return once it is submitted.

The process to estimate the return is the same as for creating a return, except that the Return Authorization will not be persisted, and no messages will be sent.

Create Return

A return is initiated through the creation of a ReturnAuthorization via OrderOperations and the OrderService, using a request which specifies any quantity of Order Fulfillment Items within an Order.

These items can be across multiple different fulfillments on the Order, as long as those fulfillments are already FULFILLED (see Statuses and Transitions).

Create Return Sequence Diagram
  1. ReturnOperationEndpoint receives a ReturnRequest to create a return

  2. ReturnOperationService orchestrates the creation of the return

    1. OrderProvider reads the requested Order from OrderService

    2. FulfillmentProvider reads all Order Fulfillments for the Order from OrderService

    3. ReturnProvider reads all Return Authorizations for the Order from OrderService

  3. ReturnRequestValidator verifies that the return is valid

    1. Order Fulfillments contain sufficient quantity for the requested return items

    2. Order Fulfillments containing items are already fulfilled

    3. Items aren’t already being returned in other Return Authorizations

  4. ReturnGenerationService generates the new Return Authorization

    1. Initial status should be PENDING

    2. Estimate shipping charge and assign tracking number

    3. Calculate estimated refundable amounts for return items

      1. If returning only part of a fulfillment, use the FulfillmentSplittingService to determine the correct split monetary amounts for those items (see Fulfillment Splitting)

  5. ReturnProvider persists the new Return Authorization in the OrderService

  6. A Return Created message is published, containing the request, new Return Authorization, order, and all the order’s fulfillments

  7. Return the new Return Authorization

Confirm Return

Once returned items are received by the seller, they should be marked as "confirmed" through the confirmation endpoint, using a request which specifies the containing Return Authorization, and any quantity of Order Fulfillment Items within it which have been returned.

The whole Return Authorization doesn’t need to be confirmed at once - smaller subsets of Return Authorization Item quantities can be confirmed instead. The Return Confirmations created will be associated to those Return Authorization Items.

Confirm Return Sequence Diagram
  1. ReturnOperationEndpoint receives a ConfirmReturnRequest to confirm returned items

  2. ReturnOperationService orchestrates the creation of Return Confirmations

    1. ReturnProvider reads the Return Authorization for the confirmation

  3. ConfirmReturnRequestValidator verifies that the confirmation is valid

    1. The Return Authorization isn’t cancelled

    2. The items being confirmed have enough pending quantity to be returned

  4. ReturnConfirmationGenerationService generates the new Return Confirmations, one for each confirmed Return Authorization Item

    1. Initial status should be PENDING

    2. Calculate refundable amounts for confirmed quantity of Return Authorization Items

  5. ReturnOperationService updates the Return Authorization’s status

    1. If all items are fully confirmed, the status should be CONFIRMED

    2. If not all items are fully confirmed, the status should be PARTIALLY_CONFIRMED

  6. ReturnProvider persists the updated Return Authorization containing the new Return Confirmations in the OrderService

  7. A Return Confirmed message is published, containing the request, the Return Authorization, order, and all the order’s fulfillments

  8. Return the updated Return Authorization

Cancel Return

At any point in the Return Authorization lifecycle, unless the return has been fully confirmed, it can be cancelled through the cancel endpoint using a request that only needs to specify the ID of the Return Authorization to cancel.

Whenever a Return Authorization is cancelled if it contains any items which were already confirmed, then those will be removed and placed into a new Return Authorization which will be marked as fully CONFIRMED.

Cancel Return Sequence Diagram
  1. ReturnOperationEndpoint receives a CancelReturnRequest to cancel a return

  2. ReturnOperationService orchestrates the cancellation of the Return Authorization

    1. ReturnProvider reads the Return Authorization to cancel

  3. CancelReturnRequestValidator verifies that the return can be cancelled

    1. The Return Authorization is either PENDING or PARTIALLY_CONFIRMED (not fully CONFIRMED or already CANCELLED)

  4. If the Return Authorization contains any already-confirmed items, the ReturnSplittingService removes them and generates a new CONFIRMED Return Authorization to contain them

  5. ReturnProvider persists both the cancelled Return Authorization and also the new confirmed Return Authorization, if applicable

  6. A Return Cancelled message is published, containing the request, the cancelled Return Authorization, the split out confirmed Return Authorization (if applicable), order, and all the order’s fulfillments

  7. Return a list containing both the cancelled Return Authorization and the confirmed Return Authorization (if applicable)


After a Return Confirmation has been created, a refund can be issued for it.

The PaymentRefundService handles going through the PENDING Return Confirmations within a Return Authorization and issues refunds based on a return item’s return type (refundable or not) and either estimated amounts to refund or overridden refund amount. After a Return Confirmation has been refunded, its status will change to COMPLETED.

The return confirmation status can be changed to REFUND_AWAITING_RESULT if payment transaction results will be provided asynchronously. See Asynchronous Payment Transaction Support.

If there are multiple payments on the order, the chosen PaymentPriorityStrategy determines which should be refunded first. By default, payment types that are indicated as "Final Payments" will be refunded first - for example, a credit card will be refunded before a gift card.

This refunding can be triggered automatically through the PaymentRefundReturnConfirmedListener whenever a Return Confirmed event is received (see Auto Refund After Return is Confirmed configuration below).


Auto Refund After Return is Confirmed

Enables automatic refunding of payment following confirmation of a return.

  • Property:

  • Enabled by default