Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Order Operation Release Notes for 2.0.4-M1


  • JDK 17 is required for Broadleaf release trains 2.0.0-GA, and beyond.

New Features and Notable Changes

  • Introduced the ability to pass line item data to PaymentTransactionServices as part of the TransactionExecutionRequest for all transaction types. This is conditionally enabled using the following property: broadleaf.orderoperation.service.payment.include-line-items-in-transaction-request.{GATEWAY_TYPE}.

    • Note: This property can also be declared on a per-payment-method-basis. For example, this should be set to true when using Klarna with Adyen. Therefore, we’d declare broadleaf.orderoperation.service.payment.include-line-items-in-transaction-request.ADYEN.KLARNA=true.