Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Infrastructure Blueprints (Deprecated)

Deprecation Notice: these instructions are no longer applicable. Please contact Broadleaf Cloud Services if there are specific infrastructure questions

It is most typical for our clients to utilize the framework to build Broadleaf-backed containerized services and deploy them to a managed cloud Kubernetes cluster alongside a cloud-managed relational database (e.g. Postgres)

Having said that, the Broadleaf framework supports a variety of different pluggable backing technologies and can be deployed in a variety of configurations. See Tech Stack for more details.


Broadleaf provides several Terraform modules that outline an opinionated infrastructure topology across common cloud providers and represent a good starting point for DevOps and Infra teams to use and incorporate into their own infrastructure landscape

Please see the README on the "Terraform Starter" project that is included with the Microservice Project Starters on details around building out the necessary infrastructure needed to deploy a Broadleaf installation to your cloud of choice.