Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Components Exports Bundle

The collection of component exports. This collection of exports includes a limited set of components that are considered reasonably stable.

Export Package Name: components

How to pull in the module and its components
import { components } from '@broadleaf/admin-components';

const { AuthGateway } = components;
Component Name Description


This gateway component is responsible for being a "gateway" before rendering the application. It first discovers the OAuth2 client, checks the authentication of the user, and verifies if the user is authorized to access the current tenant and application. If the authentication was successful, it will initialize the authentication context and render its children components.


This is the top-level view component that wraps all children components with the necessary providers & containers to allow certain components to be rendered over all other components or to ensure that certain components are present all-throughout the application.

Other components rendered here include the:

  • Admin Navigation sidebar;

  • the ScrollView component that renders the header and scrollable content panel of the application;

  • the ConfirmModal component and context provider that render the confirmation modals that apply to many actions across the application, such as deleting entities;

  • and Toast related components such as the ToastContainer and ToastContainerContext so that toast notifications appear above all components.


This component renders a "ribbon" or a bar with a button that displays a list of available catalogs for the current site, enabling filtering of entities by the selected catalog for the site. Typically rendered above a Title Bar component and below the SandboxRibbon.


This component renders metadata-driven column components of classifier "Column". Read more about all types of renderable column components in the Columns Metadata exports table.


This component renders metadata-driven components. This renderer can be used when a component has to render multiple components based on metadata of varying classifiers. Read more about all types of renderable components in the Metadata exports page.


This component initializes routes for the Admin gateway. When ready, this will fetch the routes and provide them to children components through the ComponentRouterContext.


This component renders metadata-driven external components of classifier "External". Read more about all types of renderable external components in the Externals Metadata exports table.


This component renders metadata-driven field components of classifier "Field". Read more about all types of renderable field components in the Fields Metadata exports table.


This component renders metadata-driven form components. This component makes use of component renderers such as FieldTypeRenderer and ExternalTypeRenderer, among others.


This component renders the set of Form Components driven by a set of metadata components.


This component is responsible for taking in a set of GatewayComponent components and recursively rendering these in order to derive the set of gateway state objects. The gateway state objects are then used in rendering the loading view while gateway resolution is in-progress, and then the children components are rendered once all GatewayComponent components are finished with their verification processes.


This component renders the set of global providers necessary for the Admin application. Read more about GlobalProviders and the description of each provider here.


This component renders metadata-driven group components of classifier "Group". Read more about all types of renderable group components in the Group Metadata exports table.


This component renders the I18nContext and wraps it around the children components to provide access to the current and available locales for the Admin application.


This component is wrapped around metadata-driven components to render decorations, augmentations, or errors.


This component renders a "ribbon" or a bar with a button that displays a list of available sandboxes for the current user, enabling filtering of entities by the selected sandbox and current user. Typically rendered above a Title Bar component and above the CatalogRibbon.


This gateway component retrieves the tenant information and provides the TenantContext around the wrapped components. Read more about tenant & application resolution in this Tenant Resolution Walkthrough.


This component renders metadata-driven view components of classifier "View". Read more about all types of renderable view components in the View Metadata exports table.