Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Upgrade to 1.8.2-GA

May 23, 2023


Microservices release 1.8.2-GA is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.9.4 and 1.10.2

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3.

      • 1.9 is mostly the same as 1.10 other than a few OMS enhancements.

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.3

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.2

      • Unchanged since last (1.8.0) release train

    • Auth SDK 1.5.3

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.9.4 and 1.10.2

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3.

      • 1.9 is mostly the same as 1.10 other than a few OMS enhancements.

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.3

    • Open Api 1.8.2

New Features & Notable Changes

Feature/Notable Change Impacted Services Links

IMPORTANT: Required property additions needed if deploying the Balanced Flex Package Composition. The following property: broadleaf.tenant.sync.binding.enabled=true will need to be set on the Browse and Cart Flex units if deploying the Balanced composition. If the following property is not set, you may run into the error: “A component required a bean named 'persistenceInputTenantSyncDataTracking' that could not be found.”

Browse and Cart Flex Units in the Balanced Flex Package Composition. This property needs to be explicitly set and is needed in support of changes in the Data Tracking common library.

Added support for Node 18 for all frontend projects. Only the Open Api app has migration steps.

Auth SDK, Commerce SDK, Payment JS SDK, Next.js Starter, Unified Admin, Open Api

OpenApi Upgrade Guide

For asset uploads, fixed not detecting docx and xlsx as WORD and EXCEL types.

Asset Services

For asset uploads, increased MIME_TYPE column length to 255 from 60 to allow xslx and docx types to fit.

Asset Services

For PII, generate unique emails and usernames when anonymizing users to avoid uniqueness constraint violations

Privacy Common, Authentication Services, Customer Services

For import, ensure that the Catalog’s or Application’s default currency is honored during imports of priceable entities.

Import Consumer, Catalog Services

For product import, currency has been removed from the default product import specification as it is generally not valid to supply via an import record. Instead, the currency for Products will be determined by the Catalog’s default currency.

Import Services, Catalog Services

For import, ensure the correct entity type is used for the ChangeContainer when entity is an extension.

Import Consumer, Catalog Services

Fixed currency mismatch error when checked out with non-USD currency.

Order Operation Services

Updated Search Field metadata to allow translations of field and facet labels

Search Services