Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Unified Admin Release Notes for 1.10.8

Important Updates

  • Now supports Node 18. Node 14 has reached end-of-life and we recommend upgrading to Node 18 as soon as possible since Node 16 reaches end of life in September 2023.

    • Upgrading Node is not required to use this update.

  • If building your own images of Admin Starter, it is required to add a new dependency to your project on luxon, which was introduced to address timezone issues in date-pickers.

    • Run yarn add luxon.

Features & Enhancements

  • Amended and enhanced Export implementations across different pages to accommodate the usage of QueryBuilderField and support operations using updated endpoints

  • By default, the VITE_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE configuration property for Admin is commented out, so that the Admin client will use the system timezone unless a specific timezone aside from the system timezone is desired.

  • Many components regarding OMS have been given override names so it is possible to more easily customize them. Each override follows the same pattern of blComponentName e.g. blFulfillmentAction. Updated components include:

    • FulfillmentAction

    • FulfillmentCreateReturnModal

    • FulfillmentItemSummary

    • FulfillmentStatusChangeModal

    • FulfillmentCreateReturn

    • FulfillmentStatusChange

    • PrintShippingLabel

    • FulfillmentViewItems

    • FulfillmentViewBody

    • FulfillmentViewError

    • FulfillmentViewHeader

    • FulfillmentViewLayout

    • FulfillmentViewMain

    • FulfillmentCard

    • FulfillmentCardCreateReturn

    • FulfillmentCardStatusChange

    • FulfillmentCardContainer

    • FulfillmentCards

    • OrderViewSummaryDetails

    • OrderViewSummaryTotals

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with showInQueryBuilder component not appearing in augmentation create forms.

  • Added ability to display refreshButton in the ActionListGridFacetHeader component.

  • Fixed bug in the Order Payments Grid where no payment information was being fetched when accessing the payments page via direct link or after refreshing the page.

  • Fixed bug where Selector type Products could not be created by setting form field default values for unrendered but valid fields

  • Fixed bug where the selected catalog’s currency was not reflecting properly in Product create/update form fields by adding conditionals to populate tracking and context state objects