Metadata Augmentation is a method of overriding the metadata of components from the Admin UI. These overrides do not require any server changes or restarts. This is the successor to the custom fields feature in legacy Broadleaf.
Most places in the admin that render a view configured by metadata, can be augmented. Where it’s possible, you will see a "Customize Form" button at the top of the page header.
Once activated, the form will show additional details, particularly when hovering over a group or field.
Clicking the gear icon for a field or group will give options to edit or remove them.
The edit form will allow modifying the label, the order, default value, visibility, etc. of a field. If the field is an enum select, it will also allow modifying the allows values.
The "Do you want to use this in Query Builders?" flag indicates that the new field should appear in query builders that target the field’s parent entity. For example, if you add a field to Product and set the flag to true, the field will appear in the query builders for Offers and Price Lists automatically. |
Clicking on the gear icon for a group or form will show additional options to add new fields or sub-groups.
The field create form is the same as the update form (see previous section). New fields will be mapped to an attributes map on the entity domain.