Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Admin Client


Broadleaf’s Admin Client is a highly configurable, client-side admin application that is capable of managing data and content with any headless API. Broadleaf’s Admin Client, paired with the Admin Metadata Service, is capable of managing all of Broadleaf’s microservices out of box, and is able to be configured to manage additional services and APIs as needed.

Admin Libraries

Broadleaf provides and maintains a number of libraries from our NPM Nexus that help to build the admin client application:

  • @broadleaf/admin-components: The core of the admin application which exports the core components that render the Broadleaf Admin. This library additionally exports a number of components, hooks, and utilities that may be used to extend and customize the Broadleaf Admin for your use case.

  • @broadleaf/admin-tailwindcss: The default TailwindCSS configuration for the Broadleaf Admin. Broadleaf uses TailwindCSS for styling the components within the @broadleaf/admin-components library. It is recommended to use this library and then override configuration to customize the theme according to your needs.

  • @broadleaf/admin-style (soon to be removed): This is a small, SASS-driven stylesheet export that @broadleaf/admin-components is currently dependent on for styling certain components. This is slated for removal once we finish the process of converting additional class names from SASS to TailwindCSS.

Admin Starter

Broadleaf provides a Vite-based starter kit for the admin application. This starter is configured to work with Broadleaf services out of box, and can be customized and extended to support additional behavior and functionality. Additionally, the list of Vite-powered configuration properties for the Admin Client can be found under Admin Configuration Properties.

If you are looking to evaluate our admin application, contact us to get started.