Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

1.8.x Release Trains



Microservices release 1.8.8 is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.10.8

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.10 and 1.6.2

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.4 and 1.3.0 (unchanged since last Release Train)

    • Auth SDK 1.5.8 and 1.6.1

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.10.8 and 1.11.2

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.9 and 1.6.2

    • Open Api 1.8.7 (unchanged since last Release Train)



Microservices release 1.8.7 is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.10.7

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.9 and 1.6.1

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.4 and 1.3.0 (unchanged since last Release Train)

    • Auth SDK 1.5.7 and 1.6.0 (unchanged since last Release Train)

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.10.7 and 1.11.1

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.8 and 1.6.1

    • Open Api 1.8.7



Microservices release 1.8.6 is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.10.6

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.8 and 1.6.0

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.4 (unchanged since last Release Train)

    • Payment JS SDK 1.3.0 (upgrades Axios request agent dependency)

    • Auth SDK 1.5.6 and 1.6.0

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.10.6 and 1.11.0

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.7 and 1.6.0

    • Open Api 1.8.6



Microservices release 1.8.5 is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.10.5

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.7

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.4 (unchanged since last Release Train)

    • Auth SDK 1.5.5

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.10.5

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.6

    • Open Api 1.8.5



Microservices release 1.8.4-GA is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.10.4

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.6

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.4

    • Auth SDK 1.5.4 (unchanged since last Release Train)

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.10.4

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.5

    • Open Api 1.8.4



Microservices release 1.8.3-GA is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.9.5 and 1.10.3

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3 if still on 1.9.4.

      • 1.9 is mostly the same as 1.10 other than a few OMS enhancements.

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.5

      • 1.5.4 was released between release trains.

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.3

    • Auth SDK 1.5.4

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.9.5 and 1.10.3

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3.

      • 1.9 is mostly the same as 1.10 other than a few OMS enhancements.

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.4

    • Open Api 1.8.3



Microservices release 1.8.2-GA is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.9.4 and 1.10.2

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3.

      • 1.9 is mostly the same as 1.10 other than a few OMS enhancements.

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.3

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.2

      • Unchanged since last (1.8.0) release train

    • Auth SDK 1.5.3

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.9.4 and 1.10.2

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3.

      • 1.9 is mostly the same as 1.10 other than a few OMS enhancements.

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.3

    • Open Api 1.8.2



Microservices release 1.8.1-GA is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.9.3 and 1.10.1

      • 1.10 is recommended but requires a small migration to upgrade to TailwindCSS v3. Otherwise, 1.9 and 1.10 have feature parity.

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.2

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.1

      • Unchanged since last (1.8.0) release train

    • Auth SDK 1.5.2

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.9.3

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.2



Microservices release 1.8.0-GA is congruent with:

  • Frontend Libraries

    • AdminWeb 1.9.1

    • CommerceSDK 1.5.1

    • Payment JS SDK 1.2.1

    • Auth SDK 1.5.1

  • Frontend Starters

    • AdminStarter 1.9.1

    • NextJS Starter 1.5.1