Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Upgrade to 2.1.1

May 4, 2024

The 2.x versions are Spring Boot 3 compatible.
If coming from a version prior to 2.0.0-GA, then see the 2.0.2 upgrade guide.


  • Java 17 is required since 2.0.0-GA.

Notable Changes

Introduced an Improved Pattern for Externally-Executed Payment Transactions

Iterating on our previous pattern for handling externally-executed checkout payment transactions (esp. with 3DS verification & hosted payment page interactions), the improved pattern re-balances responsibilities between frontend & backend apps & makes the overall interaction more robust in its effort to transition successfully executed payment transactions into finalized checkouts.

For more details on the improved pattern, see our Externally-Executed Checkout Payment Transactions documentation.

The improved pattern is enabled by default. If you wish to continue using the legacy pattern, it can be enabled via the following property: broadleaf.payment.legacy-external-payment-pattern-enabled=true. Doing so will disable several of the key components used for the improved pattern.


To review the security related content, see 2.0.2 notes as these are the same.


You will need your login credentials originally provided for accessing the Broadleaf nexus. Security fixes often involve dependency updates to remediate issues being tracked in external OSS components. It is worth considering adopting releases with security fixes (even Broadleaf Severity LOW) to avoid any possibility of transitive exposure in your codebase.

Frontend Compatibility and Release Notes

Microservices release 2.1.1 is congruent with:

  • AdminWeb 1.10.8

    • Required.

    • @broadleaf/admin-components 1.10.8

    • @broadleaf/admin-stripe-components 1.10.8

    • Other modules: 1.10.7 (unchanged)

  • Auth JS SDK 1.6.1

    • Recommended.

  • Commerce JS SDK 1.6.2

    • Required for updated externally-executed 3DS/HPP checkout pattern

    • @broadleaf/commerce-browse 1.5.10 and 1.6.2

    • @broadleaf/commerce-cart 1.5.10 and 1.6.2

    • @broadleaf/commerce-content 1.5.10 and 1.6.2

    • Other modules: 1.5.9 and 1.6.1 (unchanged)

  • Commerce Quote UI 1.0.0 (unchanged)

  • Payment JS SDK 1.3.0 (unchanged)

  • NextJS Starter 1.6.2

    • Recommended.

  • Open Api 2.1.1-1.0

    • Recommended.

Service-level Release Notes


Payment Integration Libraries

Common Libraries