Introduction of PaymentTransactionServices to store payment data and handle payment gateway interactions |
CartOperationServices, OrderOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices, NextJS Starter, CommerceSDK |
Cart payment storage and management moved to PaymentTransactionServices |
CartServices, CartOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Order payment storage and management moved to PaymentTransactionServices |
OrderServices, OrderOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Replace Payment status concept with PaymentSummary |
CartOperationServices, OrderOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Checkout payment transactions are now executed via PaymentTransactionServices |
CartOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
OrderOps payment transactions (capture, reverse authorize, and refund) are now executed via PaymentTransactionServices |
OrderOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Move 3DS transaction recording endpoint from CartOps |
CartOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Introduced a payment locking mechanism to avoid multiple processes modifying a payment simultaneously |
CartOperationServices, OrderOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Introduced a payment time-to-live threshold for anonymous customers to protect their data |
PaymentTransactionServices |
Jobs identifying stale payment transactions for reversal and reversing those transactions have been moved to PaymentTransactionServices |
CartServices, CartOperationServices, PaymentTransactionServices |
Added hook points for sorting the order’s payments when capturing, refunding, or reverse-authorizing |
OrderOperationServices |
Improved support for OMS return/cancellation logic based on offer targets and qualifiers |
CartServices, CartOperationServices, Order Services, OrderOperationServices, PromotionServices |
Update PaymentAccount domain to better parallel the updated Payment domain |
CustomerServices |
Refine PaymentRequest, PaymentResponse, and service interfaces |
PaymentGatewayCommon |
Disable transaction retry mechanism in Stripe and PayPal integration libraries |
Broadleaf’s Stripe and PayPal integration libraries |
Introduce ability to declare application-specific or tenant-specific configuration properties, enabling clients to use different gateway configuration/credentials for each application or tenant |
Broadleaf’s AmazonPaymentServices integration library |
Improve security of the AmazonPaymentServices signature endpoint by restricting the possible commands that can be executed |
PaymentGatewayCommon, Broadleaf’s AmazonPaymentServices integration library |
Added tenant narrowing logic for scheduled jobs to ensure that they execute within the context of a single tenant |
MicroMessagingCommon, DataTracking, ScheduledJobServices, CartServices, InventoryServices, CartOperationServices, MicroBulkCommon, ImportServices, MicroExportCommon, AuthenticationServices |
Added support for Variant-based AdvancedTags |
CatalogServices |
Added support for Variant-based Add-On pricing overrides |
CatalogServices, CatalogBrowseServices, CartOperationServices |
Introduced Payment JS SDK |
NextJS Starter |