Broadleaf Microservices
  • v1.0.0-latest-prod

Unified Admin Release Notes for 1.10.3

Important Updates

  • Now supports Node 18. Node 14 has reached end-of-life and we recommend upgrading to Node 18 as soon as possible since Node 16 reaches end of life in September 2023.

    • Upgrading Node is not required to use this update.

Features & Enhancements

  • Enhanced modal forms so that the header and footer are fixed relative to the viewport and only the body scrolls so that the submit button and modal title are always visible.

  • Created a component called JSON Payload which converts the form values into a serialized JSON text — added the component to EntityView which by default is shown for Content Model.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed line number misalignment for HTML fields when viewing the raw HTML

  • Fixed HTML field editor toolbar dropdowns being cut off by subsequent group components

    • Instead, the toolbar will display tools in a row

  • Fixed HTML field editor applying inline styles on pasted content in Safari.

    • Inline styles are blocked by the default style-source Content Security Policy

  • Fixed HTML Editor adding inline styles to image tags without user input that caused Content Security Policy violations.

  • Fixed bug where Process button is enabled when Customer Segment update form is in a dirty state. Process button now is disabled when form is dirty.

  • Fixed issue where Preview Changes button on Content Item page does not link to the expected preview of the storefront page. Added preview path template combining Content Model URI and Content Item URI, as well as a default path leading to the storefront homepage.

  • Fixed issues with some typescript types not being resolved.

    • Typescript was not rewriting import aliases with relative paths in declaration files.

  • Fixed issues when using ESM files instead of UMD where custom components using Broadleaf contexts could not resolve the contexts.

    • This could lead to not being able to send requests to Broadleaf endpoints from custom components because they could not hook into the auth or tracking contexts.

  • Fixed color issues with the language selector in the Admin Settings dropdown.

  • Fixed issues with using Prettier and Typescript together in the Admin Starter.

  • Fixed issues when using Jest and Typescript together in the Admin Starter.

  • Fixed the Admin version displayed when running the app so that it shows the version of the @broadleaf/admin-components library instead of the version of the Admin Starter itself.

  • Added the ability to create new values for AttributeChoice options when creating a Variant derived from a VARIANT_DISTINGUISHING option.

  • Fixed issues with displaying rules targeting Cart in the Content Zone Default Content grid.

    • Query nodes with multi fields were making multiple API requests for fields which did not have multiple values, thus failing to properly hydrate the value string in the grid when showing the display rule. Fixed by differentiating the hydrating method for multi (assume display rule value object is an array, call hydration endpoint for each value and aggregate results) & non-multi fields (call hydration endpoint by passing display rule value object as a whole).

    • Money values in display rule were not being properly displayed. Fixed by differentiating creation of display rule text for money values.

  • Fixed issue where the Collapsible Group error message was displayed as a text block instead of a tooltip.

  • Fixed issue where the single quote character was not being escaped properly in the RSQL queries.

  • Enhanced modal forms so that the header and footer are fixed relative to the viewport and only the body scrolls so that the submit button and modal title are always visible.